Geoscience based smart city solutions

Principal Investigator: Zoltán Kovács

Cities face several environment challenges (e.g. climate change, lack of green spaces, traffic congestions) where using information and communication technologies (ICT) geosciences can provide adequate solutions.  The aim of this proposal is to combine GIS and other digital technologies (e.g. cell-phone information) with more traditional approaches (e.g. meteorological data) to elaborate solutions for city administrations seeking more liveable environment. The project develops tools that integrate heterogeneous data sources in order to provide new services for city dwellers based on real time data. The test-area of pilot research activities would be Szeged. The research group consists of distinguished and early career researchers of three departments from the Institute of Geography and Geosciences USZ, bringing together expertise in different fields of geosciences (e.g. GISience, climatology, human geography). The wide spectrum of academic experiences within the group provides a solid foundation for interdisciplinary research.

Group's Content



Lajos Boros, Gábor Dudás, Jenő Farkas, Tamás Gál, Ágnes Gulyás, Roland András Kolcsár, Attila Kovács, Tamás Kovalcsik, László Mucsi, Gyula Nagy, Viktor Pál, József Szatmári, Péter Szilassi, János Unger, György Vida

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